Friday 2 November 2012

Andre Muniz Gonzaga

For my first entry I thought I would write about Andre Muniz Gonzaga; a Brazilian artist that paints misshapen faces on unusual and sometimes hazardous cracked surfaces. I love looking up new and inspiring forms of street art; as street art has always been a passion and interest of mine. There are constant changes to the way people are expressing themselves and coming up with these ideas that put a new spin on our day to day life. Its minds like this, that look at what seems to be a damaged build and see a  creative gold mine that are the reason we are starting to look at things differently as a society. I also love the thought of these distorted surfaces coming to life, I always use to draw faces and give names to appliances and objects. If you look closely at curtain cars and other objects, you can almost see what kind of personality it would have if it were alive. It's definitely worth trying out. Anyway, Gongaga's work can be spotted in Senegal, Portugal, Amsterdam, Brazil and of course his hometown Brazil. If you can't see them there simply check him out on Flickr!

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