Wednesday 7 November 2012

Political Poster Campain

In 2007 the UK Government sold public land situated behind the British Library in Somers Town, Camden - to a consortium (the UKCMRI - UK Centre for Medical Research & Innovation, made up of the Medical Research Council , University College London, Cancer Research UK and the Welcome Trust) with the intention to build a potentially high risk UK centre for medical research and innovation. Many local residents had hoped that the land would be used to build new homes and facilities for the community. This level 3 bio lab is at the highest bio-hazard risk rating as well as being home to animal testing and disease containment. Foot and Mouth disease was leaked from a govt facility Pirbright in Surrey. Such a leak in central London would be catastrophe especially so close to an international station. 
The main issue I had was the lack of awareness on this lab, many people didn't know about it. By the time information about the institute spread, it was too late for residents to have their say. Before it was too late I tried to do my part and came up with a poster campaign in Camden. I researched a lot of political street art and came up with something urban and interesting to grab the attention of all; from residents to toursits in the area.

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